Noticings – May 1, 2024

“You have something very unique that no one else can offer.”

We figure it was probably with our kids having birthday parties about 18 years ago that my spouse and I last went 5-pin bowling. That is, until this past weekend when we had a social time with the choir we sing in in Cobourg. Choir members were assigned to teams with comical names like the ‘Lucky Strikes’, and the ‘Bowling Stones’. Our team was called the ‘Gutter Dusters’. Sadly, it proved to be prophetic. I think we came dead last in team score. The following days were filled with random exclamations of “ouch, there’s another muscle I didn’t know I had!” We had a delightful time, despite going into it not knowing how we’d do. We just knew it was important for us to be part of the social connection that the event offered for the choir.

(Here comes the tortured segue.) It was also about 18 years ago (2006) that the fine folks of Faith United had gatherings to talk about their future visions, and hopes, and dreams for this church. I saw pictures of those days. The sanctuary was filled with tables of people participating in the conversations. I imagine many of you reading this were part of those conversations.

Well, here it is 18 years later, and it’s time once again to lace up your bowling shoes and step up to the lane. There have been thinking questions offered, and a written survey has been shared (which is now due to be returned to the response box on the ‘renewal’ table in the atrium at church – or even better you have done it online!). Now it’s time for face-to-face conversations. It is very important that you are a part of this conversation. You may not know what to expect, but I’m pretty sure your muscles won’t be sore in the days following!

Basically, the Visioning Team will be guiding you through table conversations centred on Faith United’s ‘mission statement’ that is printed in our bulletin each week. The overarching questions are – How will Faith go about doing the things the ‘mission statement’ says are important? What is Faith doing well? What new ways might Faith explore to do more? What things are more important today than they were 18 years ago? What things are less important? What things are emerging?

You don’t have to have any answers, but you do have something very unique that no one else can offer – your experience! Whether you feel like a Bowling Stone or a Gutter Duster doesn’t matter. Your participation in the conversation does! And through the conversations you will grow in understanding and connection with one another, just like we did at our bowling party.

The first face-to-face conversation/workshop is this Sunday May 5th after worship. There will even be pizza! (But you need to sign up so the Visioning Team can order enough pizza for you!)
Then, on Tuesday May 7th at 7:00 pm there will be an online face-to-face conversation via Zoom.
Finally, on Thursday May 9th at 1:00 pm will be another in-person conversation.

You only need to attend one of these. (We wouldn’t want you to pull a muscle!) But it is vitally important that you do attend one conversation.

From these conversations, and the surveys, the Visioning Team will prayerfully discern a way to articulate who Faith United is today, and what ministries and activities are most important moving forward. Then the second team, called the Profile Team, will take that discernment and craft a job description to seek out and attract your next minister.

18 years ago a large group of people did this conversation work and it produced a vision that reached half way across the country and enticed me to leave Nova Scotia and come to serve in ministry at Faith United. Your visioning process 18 years ago is precisely what made me your minister. I couldn’t wait to be part of what you had articulated. That’s how important these conversations are – they’ll eventually entice the next ministry person to be part of this extraordinary community of faith.

Please sign up for a session!
You can call or email the Office ( to say which session you’ll attend.

It’s time to strike up a conversation, if you can spare the time. Get it? Strike! Spare! (Perhaps your next minister will be funny?)