A congregation of the United Church of Canada
We Are Affirming!
Faith United Church IS an Affirming Ministry in the United Church of Canada!
Affirming Ministries arose from the need to create safe and welcoming churches for people whose identities and orientation are expressed in LGBTQ terms.
Too often in the past, and sadly in the present, people who are LGBTQ have found themselves unwelcome and judged in Christian churches.
We affirm that anyone who desires to grow in faith and deepen their spirituality in the Way of Jesus should absolutely and without reservation be welcome at Faith United.
To that end, we learned and continue to learn about LGBTQ issues, and also about the other ways we exclude people because of ability, race, age, class, and other ways.
We are striving simply to be a radically welcoming, inclusive, barrier-free church!
Throughout our journey we held workshops, provided resource materials, and focused some of our worship and sermons on these themes.
Faith United is already an exceedingly warm and welcoming church.
The difference with this initiative is that we are now fully committed and are deliberately choosing to say that OUT LOUD and communicate our openness to people who have felt excluded and unwelcome at churches before. We know we’re welcoming – now let’s tell them!
Faith United is an affirming ministry in the United Church of Canada!
Thanks be to God!


Our primary resource in this journey is the Affirm United / S’affirmer Ensemble website.