A congregation of the United Church of Canada
Worship Information
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 am
- Uplifting, inspiring, joyful worship with a mix of contemporary and traditional music, in a modern building with video screens and soft chairs, and a warm, friendly, positive, and spiritual vibe!
- Joyful Noise – our children’s program for kids 3 and up – we look at Biblical stories through activities, play, crafts, games, and fun!
- Baptism – we Baptize infants, kids, youths, and adults – contact the office or have a chat with our minister for more information
- Weddings – we would love to have you get married with us at Faith! Give us a call!

Music at Faith
As part of our weekly worship, you will hear many different musical styles. Our musical vision is one of blended traditions encompassing classical to popular, traditional hymnody and contemporary praise music.
If you enjoy singing, or play an instrument, we invite you to join us. Our musical opportunities include Faith Choir, Men’s Gospel Group, instrumental/vocal soloist and Worship Band. There are also a variety of groups who regularly present concerts at Faith United.
Musical Blessings!
Faith United’s Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. We are 20 voices strong and enjoy singing a wide variety of music, in different style, mostly in SATB arrangements. As well as music for Sunday worship, we present an annual Christmas Concert, Christmas and Easter Cantata’s and music for special congregational events.
On Thursday’s at 6:00 pm, men from the congregation, choir and community gather to share fellowship and music.
Our musical focus is 3 – 4 part gospel music.
It’s fun, spirited with as much laughter as music.
Along with choral music, soloists are also a regular part of our musical offerings at Faith United.
We welcome all who would like to sing or play an instrument, to share their musical gifts with us.
During most worship services you will hear piano and pipe organ, as well as guitar, and sometimes drums and bass, or other instruments.
If you play an instrument and would like to join us on a Sunday morning on a regular or occasional basis, please let us know; we would be ever so glad to have you with us!
At Faith United we have a Casavant Freres (1946) Pipe Organ 33 Stop, 3 manual.
The rough rock wall at the back of the sanctuary coupled with vaulted ceilings ensure an excellent acoustic.
The sanctuary also has a 6’ Heintzman grand piano.
There are also smaller rooms available for rehearsal equipped with acoustic and electronic keyboards.
We also have a full drum kit and set of conga drums.
Any of the spaces can be reserved through the church office by calling 905-433-8953
Our vision is for a ministry of music that is ‘Alive in Christ’, that touches the hearts, minds and souls of each of us, connecting us with God and the mystery of the Holy Spirit, thereby uniting us as a rich community of faith that carries God’s message day to day.
We will work towards our vision for music by being inclusive of all and responsive to the changing times and cultures.
We will build on our heritage and traditions while offering a balanced variety of musical styles in our worship and other programs.
We will strive to be a centre for musical development in the community.
If you have questions about anything to do with Worship – please be in touch with:
Elizabeth Valiant (Worship chair) – worship@faithunited.ca