A congregation of the United Church of Canada
Welcome to Faith United!
We understand that time is precious for busy families and that Sunday mornings might be one of the only times you get to be together. But we also think that connecting with a warm and caring faith community and spending part of your week worshipping together as a family and journeying ever deeper into the Way of Jesus enhances and enriches your family life in ways that no other activities can.
Faith United has an energetic, positive Spirit about it. Our worship is joyful, thoughtful, inspiring, engaging, and lively.
But Faith is about more than Sunday morning!
For example, our Program Calendar will be returning in the fall and our web ministries will continue to add interesting content including sermons and livestreamed worship. Not to mention all the outreach ministries church activities, and fun gatherings we offer.
There’s something for everyone at Faith.
You might find yourself drawn to Faith by the worship or the many events, but we think you’ll stay because of the incredibly warm and welcoming people that make up this church. We are truly striving to become a caring, nurturing, transformative community built upon the foundation of journeying ever deeper into the Way of Jesus – Loving God, and Loving People.
We hope you’ll join us!

Our Ministry Team

contact info
description etc
office (at) faithunited.ca

A graduate of The University of Ottawa, Kristine has lived in Oshawa since 2005. An accomplished singer and pianist, she is also the music director for the Durham Girls Choir and Oshawa Piano and Vocal Academy. Deeply involved in community work, Kristine believes in the importance of music ministry in our healing journey towards a peaceful world.
B. Mus., Registered Music Teacher
ORMTA and NATS Member
Durham Girls Choir Director
Pianist and Mezzo-Soprano
Pronouns: Her/She
Music Facilitator

We believe…Therefore…
We believe in a loving and forgiving God, shown to us through Jesus Christ, creation, the bible, and the community of believers.
Therefore we will:
strive to provide a spiritual home that is openly welcoming, nurturing and safe whatever a person’s gifts, age, ethnicity, exceptionality, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, or social or economic circumstance may be.
seek to become disciples of Christ growing in faith through worship, study and prayer;
risk sharing our resources with local and global neighbours
in response to God’s call;
be committed to the responsible use and care of all that God
has entrusted to us;
encourage all who gather here to participate freely in the life and work of this church.
Let our actions reflect our faith.
Our Building
Our building features a contemporary design while retaining traditional elements.
The sanctuary is a multi use facility used for worship, meetings, concerts, and dinner functions. In the sanctuary, a number of stained glass windows from the founding congregations have been integrated into the design.
The church is primarily on one level and we are fully wheel-chair accessible!
Both digital and acoustic pianos are used regularly in worship and our praise band also takes a turn at leading the singing. The sound system features wired and wireless microphones and hearing assist devices. Two large screen projectors provide a view regardless of the seating arrangement in the sanctuary.
All rooms are available for community use on a rental basis when not booked for church functions.
Special Rates are available for long term use or for non-profit community groups.
Catering: Available for receptions, retirements, anniversaries, weddings and meetings.
Please call 905-433-8953 for more information.

Other Important Info

Faith United Council
Our main form of governance is through our Council.
Our current Chairperson is Steve Shanks.
Council sets policy and guides the congregation.
Things like the policies directly above this section.
Contact Information
Church Address
1778 Nash Rd.
Courtice, ON L1E 2L9
Church Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 3:30pm
Phone / Email