A congregation of the United Church of Canada
Church Work in Durham (CWID)
The Church Work in Durham Committee works hard to increase awareness of and encourage contributions of goods, food, labour and money to organizations or agencies addressing special needs within the local community.
CWID operates with its own budget for which you will find a line on offering envelopes. This busy committee collects donations for more than a dozen social agencies in the area.

The Mission and Service Committee focuses and educates the congregation regarding projects and social issues supported by the United Church of Canada’s national Mission and Service Fund. This fund supports projects of local, national and global scope.
The Committee at Faith United sets the financial support goal and lets the congregation know what the United Church is doing at home and abroad. Responsibility is taken on a few Sundays for special speakers and information.
Minutes for Mission are shared with the congregation. Information regarding social justice issues such as residential schools, child poverty and refugee work is shared.
Our congregation gives around $30,000 to M&S each year!
Contact: Gail Scott at 905-429-7798.

Drilling Wells
Water is the gift of life!
Each year at Advent (December) we take on a fund raising campaign to have a fresh water well drilled in Africa.
We have partnered with Lifewater.ca, a Canadian company that specializes in small projects in Liberia, Nigeria, and Haiti. Since 2010 we have drilled 9 new wells in Africa and refurbished a non-functioning well in Haiti.
We call it our Advent Conspiracy – where we conspire to do Christmas differently by recognizing that the greatest gift we can give is the gift of life, and we probably spend too much on ourselves at Christmas anyway.
Join our Conspiracy – give life this Christmas!
You can donate via Canada Helps and don’t forget to print off your printable donation card.
Faith United Trail
If you are looking for an oasis, a taste of nature, or another place to find God, there is no better place to notice than our own backyard here at Faith.

Faith United is pleased to offer space for the following Durham Region Community Care Programs:
- Lunch out for Seniors Clarington, the second Wednesday of each month.