Noticings – January 25, 2023


January 25, 2023

It’s that time of year again. Annual report time. Each year all the Chairs of our various Committees and groups write up reports on what happened in their group over the last year. It’s part accountability and part celebration. Then we put all the reports together, along with our financial status and proposed budget, and send them out to all of you to read before our Annual Congregational Meeting (which will be during worship on March 12th).

One of the reports comes from the Nominating team. These are the folks who coordinate finding people to serve on our various committees and groups. All of our committees have room for you! If you’re feeling a nudge that you might want to contribute to our shared ministry in a certain way, we’d love to have a conversation with you to help you put that nudge into action. There’s a Tech team, an Outreach group, a Worship group, folks who help with Finances, folks who look after upkeep of the church – and many more. Some committees have minimal time commitments, others have more. Ideally, everyone at Faith United can find a way to live out their own ministry. Your own ministry! Committees are a great way to do this.

Hey online folks! We are committed to doing as much of our church life as possible in a hybrid in-person/online way. That includes committee meetings. If physically being at the church building is in any way a barrier, you can still contribute and be part of these ministries. There are also several opportunities for people to actually serve online. Things like being a YouTube “chat host” for a worship service. Or doing the screen switching for video shots remotely. You could also participate in, or lead, a discussion group, or a book study, or whatever interests you – all online. The possibilities are virtually endless. Let’s talk about them! Maybe you have some ideas to help us help our online members become more fully involved in the life and work of Faith.

As 2023 progresses we are all trying to find our comfort level with being in groups in public, and re-entering a more active church life. Opportunities abound. If you prefer to engage through an online connection that’s great. Or perhaps being in-person is your thing. Either way, we are called to engage in ministry together – love, love, loving in whatever forms feel right for you. As the old joke says, “There are no benchwarmers in church! Everybody is in the game!”

If you’re not sure where you might fit or serve, or you’re not sure what opportunities there are, please have a conversation with me, or Pat Long (she chairs Nominations), or just start a conversation with another congregant and see where it leads. We need you. And you need ways to live out your faith. It’s a match made in heaven (or at least made in Faith).

(Click here for a video version of Noticings

Rev. Larry