Noticings – March 31, 2021


March 31,  2021

Last night I received my first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. I had mixed feelings about getting it. Not for one millisecond about whether I should or shouldn’t be vaccinated. That was easy. A no-brainer as they say. I was, and am, convinced that everyone – EVERYONE – should get vaccinated as soon as they’re eligible. Yes, that means you!

What was holding me back was that I was deemed eligible ahead of many others because I’m a clergy-person, and as such I’m assumed to be in increased contact with many health-vulnerable persons, including conducting funerals. In my particular expression of ministry that is less true than it is for many of my colleagues. At Faith United we are so blessed to have a dedicated and passionate group of pastoral visitors who regularly keep in close contact with many of our Faith United faithful who are not able to keep connected in the easy ways that most of us do. I am so, so grateful to this visiting and care team. Their ministry is vital and essential to Faith United.

But the reality is that I don’t do a lot of that. So when the invite came for clergy in Durham Region to get the vaccine I was hesitant to sign up. I thought I should yield my invitation to those who more urgently need vaccination. What I learned, however, is that there is a lag between supply and demand. The vaccines are available, yet the eligible groups are not signing up as quickly and fully as they could. Simply put, some folks appear to be NOT taking advantage of their opportunity to be vaccinated. So part of the invitation to clergy was to help show that vaccinations are safe and to promote people signing up. That’s good enough for me.

Dear friends in Faith. Please sign up to be vaccinated against Covid-19 as soon as you’re eligible. If you need help navigating the sign-up system please let us know and we’ll get you help. The faster we get the vast majority of our population vaccinated the sooner we can get back to so many of the things that make our lives together wonderful.

I have now been vaccinated, and I would not have done so if I didn’t think it was safe. Trust the science. Trust the wisdom. Trust that we all want the best for one another – and the best way we can all love one another in this current crisis is to all be vaccinated and eliminate the spread of this horrific illness.

I know, it’s Holy Week, and maybe you were expecting a more ‘religious’ Noticings. Here it is! THE most religious thing I can think of. Love one another, as Jesus loved us. Do what is needed to love and protect one another. Sign up. Get vaccinated. In this current moment, I cannot think of any greater love someone could show another than to be vaccinated when the opportunity allows itself for you. All the church services in the world cannot trump the simple act of loving others. Today, love is a shot in the arm.
I got mine. Get yours. Love one another.

Rev. Larry